Why Indoor Plants are Important for human Life..☺️☺️

According to a research by NASA, indoor plants convert carbon di oxide into oxygen, along with chemicals in the air that cause cancer such as benzene and formaldehyde to purify

Some of the air purifier plants in the house, which will give a fresh look to your house in summer, will give you a feeling of freshness and clean the air.

Fresh air not only protects us from diseases caused by pollution, but it also keeps our body and mind fresh. Now,the matter is how to get fresh air inside the house? The answer is very simple. Actually, there are many plants that can increase the amount of oxygen in your house. The specialty of indoor plants is that they do not take up much space, nor are they more expensive.


Aloe Vera :

Aloe Vera


-It absorbs air pollution

- It not only makes skin and hair beautiful, it also reduces constipation and obesity.

- It does not require much water.

- Giving more water spoils this plant.

- It requires more sunlight.

- It protect from mist during winter and keep it in the sun.


Money Plant:

Money Plant
- Money Plant must  keep  under shade because it does not need much sun.
- You can apply it by filling water in the bottle.
- It requires very low maintenance.
Green Tulsi 

- It is a very good plant to keep the air fresh.

-It needs water and sunlight daily.

-This plant is easily found In addition to relief in cold and cold, it also increases immunity.

#Greenplants #IndoorPlants #Aloevera #moneyplant #Tulsi #Amaryllis 
